
Las Amazonas de Gaddafi

Publicado: 2011-02-21


Gaddafi's lipsticked virgins Bodyguards

Gaddafi is already having his own version of heaven on earth by having an entourage of female supposedly virgin body guards that live and will die for him. What is up with that?

His argument on creating female fighters is that if women are trained and taught the art of

combat they can better protect themselves and not be victims like those in other war torn

Arab countries.

His female body guards known as The Amazonian Guard are killing machines. They are trained to protect him and die for him. They also take a vow of chastity and apparently many young women are dying to take on this role. As a matter of fact one got killed saving his life

when his convoy was attacked by assasins by throwing herself in the line of fire.

So even if Gadaffi doesn't see his dream of being the first leader of a United States of Africa, atleast he has seen his heaven on earth.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Libya Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi Attend the Italy - Libya Friendship Day at Salvo D'Acquisto Barracks in Rome on August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010 - Rome, Italy

Moammar Gaddafi’s 40-membered bodyguard is known worldwide as the Amazonian Guard, is composed of entirely women.  To qualify for this position the women must be virgins and are hand picked by the leader himself.  Make no prior judgments of these women due to their looks, not only are they trained to kill, but to protect and die for him.  It has been said many of these women are of Cuban decent (due to Cuba’s close relationship with Gaddafi) as well as Libyan decent. In addition, they are trained in martial arts and the use of firearms in an academy before they enter service.  It has been said that Gaddafi has up to 200-300 female guards in his service, ready to serve him any time. 

I find this interesting as his choice of bodyguards have been often seen as controversial wherever he goes.  What do you think?

For sure, some of these ladies are real stunners, but they'll stun you, too or "knock you out... if you mess with their supreme leader. Some wear lipstick, jewelry, polished nails, even high heels.

Gaddafi is in safe hands .


His female body guards known as The Amazonian Guard are killing machines. They are trained to protect him and die for him. They also take a vow of chastity and apparently many young women are dying to take on this role. As a matter of fact one got killed saving his life

when his convoy was attacked by assasins by throwing herself in the line of fire.

The Libyan leader's female guards are trained to kill.

More trained killers...



About Muammar Qadaffi

His Family

He is married to Safia Farkash. Gaddafi has eight biological children, seven of them sons. He also had two adopted children. His adopted daughter was killed. His adopted son, Milad Abuztaia Al-Gaddafi is also his nephew. Milad is credited with saving Gaddafi's life during the April 1986 bombing of the Gaddafi compound

Famous Quotes

His Role

The de facto leader of Libya since a coup in 1969


"God damn America" – Time magazine, 2 April 1973

"It should not be called the Security Council. It should be called the terror council." – At UN General Assembly, 23 Sep. 2009


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Biólogo desde hace más de treinta años, desde la época en que aún los biólogos no eran empleados de los abogados ambientalistas. Actualmente preocupado ...alarmado en realidad, por el LESIVO TRATADO DE (DES)INTEGRACIÓN ENERGÉTICA CON BRASIL ... que a casi ning

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