
El Señor Wari de las selvas de Vilcabamba

Publicado: 2011-02-24

 The Lord of Wari was recently discovered after archaeological researches made in the tropical rain forest of  Vilcabamba, Cuzco.

Señor Wari de las selvas de Vilcabamba (Sitio Espíritu Pampa)

- Unos arqueólogos peruanos hallaron la tumba de un alto gobernante de la cultura Wari con restos humanos de más de 1.200 años de antigüedad en un centro ceremonial arqueológico de Cusco (sur), informó el miércoles el Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC).

"Lo que hemos hallado es una tumba del Señor de Wari cubierta con dos lajas de piedra, lleva consigo un pectoral, brazaletes y cetros de oro y plata" dijo a la prensa el director del INC en Cusco, Juan García.

Entre los objetos de valor encontrados figuran un pectoral de plata, una máscara de plata, dos brazaletes de oro, dos báculos de madera forrados de plata, y un ornamento conformado por 234 láminas de plata, y tres collares con piedras preciosas de turquesa, lapislázuli, entre otras.

http://elcomercio.pe/peru/718407/noticia-fotos-tesoros-senor-wari (Fotos: Giancarlo Shibayama)


La tumba del antiguo dirigente y las de otras ocho personas fueron halladas en la ciudadela arqueológica de Espíritu Pampa, en la provincia de La Convención, en Cusco (1.100 kilómetros al sureste de Lima).

"Este hallazgo está a la altura del señor de Sipán (descubierto en el norte peruano en 1987) y cambiará parte de la historia Inca y de la zona", señaló García.


Junto con la tumba, encontrada en perfecto estado, también se hallaron cerámicas, joyas de oro, plata y fragmentos de textiles con influencia de la cultura Wari.


La cultura Wari fue una civilización andina que floreció en el centro de los Andes aproximadamente desde el año 600 hasta 1200 d.C., antes del imperio Inca, que tuvo Cusco como capital.





(Foto http://elcomercio.pe/peru/718407/noticia-fotos-tesoros-senor-wari/11 )

La tumba de un personaje perteneciente a la nobleza Wari fue encontrada en el distrito de Vilcabamba, Cusco, descubrimiento que tendría la misma importancia que el hallazgo del Señor de Sipán y que cambiaría la historia de esta cultura prehispánica.

El hallazgo fue realizado por un equipo de la Dirección Regional de Cultura Cusco en el Sitio Arqueológico de Espíritupampa, ubicado en el distrito de Vilcabamba, provincia de La Convención, en la selva del Cusco, informó el Ministerio de Cultura.

Según se adelantó, la la iconografía, morfología y técnicas de manufactura de los objetos hallados, corresponden al estilo de la civilización preinca Wari, que floreció entre el año 600 y 1,200 de nuestra era por una vasta extensión del territorio peruano.

Durante la excavación se halló una cesta conteniendo un pectoral de plata en forma de “Y”, además de una máscara del mismo material con una figura antropomorfa.

Asimismo, el atuendo del personaje noble enterrado en este sector se complementaba con dos brazaletes de oro.

Esta evidencia ha llevado a los especialistas a plantear la hipótesis de que la ciudad de Espiritupampa fue reocupada por los Incas, que ampliaron, perfeccionaron y modificaron los patrones constructivos de la antigua ciudad Wari.

El viceministro de Patrimonio Cultural e Industrias Culturales, Bernardo Roca-Rey, en compañía de la directora general de la Unesco, Irina Bokova, destacó que este hallazgo confirma que la cultura Wari, que floreció desde el año 600 hasta 1200, no sólo se expandió por la costa y la sierra, sino que también logró dominar la selva.

“Esta es una noticia de gran trascendencia para el patrimonio cultural de nuestro país. El proyecto de investigación, encabezado por el arqueólogo Javier Fonseca Santa Cruz, se desarrolló en el sector conocido como Tumbas del Sitio Arqueológico de Espíritupampa, ubicado en el distrito de Vilcabamba provincia de La Convención, Cusco”, detalló.

Por su parte, el director regional de Cultura Cusco, Juan Julio García Rivas, anunció que este año continuará el proyecto de investigación arqueológica en Espíritupampa, ya que en el sector Tumbas aún hay extensas áreas a explorar a fin de continuar develando el misterio de esta cultura prehispánica.

“Este hallazgo está a la altura del Señor de Sipán y cambiará parte de la historia y de la zona”, dijo García.

Fuente: Andina.


Cusco unveils discovery of the Lord of Wari

The Lord of Wari, which was recently discovered after archaeological researches made in Vilcabamba, will be unveiled tonight in Cusco, Regional Director of Culture Juan Julio Garcia said Wednesday.

This would be one of the most important discoveries made in southern Peru, said Garcia to Andina news agency.

The lord of Wari was discovered inside a tomb wearing a breastplate, bracelets, scepters, feathers, ceramics, gold, silver and textiles from the Wari culture.

Unique archaeological find was made after the research work undertaken since July last year, which also had the participation of at least 20 archaeologists, technicians and assistants.

The presentation will take place tonight at 19:30 hours (00:30 GMT on Tuesday) in Casa Garcilaso. Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) Irina Bokova will also attend this ceremony as part of her official visit to the city.

 Espiritu Pampa site (Vilcabamba, Cuzco)   www.letranalumni.org/index.php?option=com_awi...

Espiritu Pampa

It constitutes a region that is qualified very high like the last place of the resistance against the invasions of Spain, it was build in the time of Manco Inka..


The archaeological complex of Espiritu pampa is located to the northeast of the district of Vilcabamba, providence of La Comvencion in the department of Cusco approximately at 38km from the town of Chuanquiri, at an altitude of 4,920 feet above sea level the access route is Cusco-Quillabamba-Quiteni-Chuanquiri. Coordinates: south latitude: 12º54' 08'' and west latitude: 73º12'27''


Its altitude is of 11,483 feet above sea level, last refuge of the Inca Empire, Vilcabamba was founded by Manco Inca in 1539 and fell to the Spaniards in 1572, signalling the end of Inca resistance to Spanish rule. The city was burned and the area swiftly became a remote backwater of Peru. The location of Vilcabamba was forgotten.

The ruins of the city were rediscovered by Hiram Bingham in 1909 in a remote forest site 81 miles west of Cusco called Espiritu Pampa, but he failed to realize its significance, preferring to believe that Machu Picchu, which he also rediscovered, was the fabled 'Lost City of the Incas'. It wasn't until the 1980's, after archaeological work by Gene Savoy and Vincent Lee and research by John Hemming, that Espiritu Pampa was generally accepted as the historical Vilcabamba.

Historical references

The truth is that Espiritu Pampa, constitutes a region that is qualified very high like the last place of the resistance against the invasions of Spain, it was build in the time of Manco Inka, and it was consider a resting place and also known as the last place that the Incas went from the Tahuantinsuyo during 33 years. It was also known as the place were native went to refuge themselves from hard labor.

How do I get to Espiritu Pampa?

You just can reach this archeological place by foot (though an amazing walk), but also you cal get there taking a truck in Quillabamba to San Miguel (10 to 12 hours, locally well-known as Chunquiri). Then you have to hike to the beautiful Concevidayoc Valley among some beautiful mountains.


Aspects of the topic Espiritu Pampa are discussed in the following places at Encyclopædia Britannica. that Machu Picchu was Vilcabamba, and it wasn't until the mid-20th century that his claim was seriously disputed. Bingham's additional work in the region revealed the important sites of Vitcos and Espiritu Pampa, a larger ruin that was thoroughly excavated in 1964 by the American archaeologist Gene Savoy, who demonstrated it to be a more likely site for Vilcabamba. Nevertheless, many sources still follow Bingham's precedent and erroneously label Machu Picchu as the "lost city of the Incas. ") Evidence later associated Vilcabamba with another ruin, Espiritu Pampa, which was also discovered by Bingham.

Itinerary / Trekking Vilcabamba Espiritu Pampa Expedition

1st day: Cuzco - Chuallcay - Quillabamba

Bus transportation takes to the semi tropical La Convention region. Here we'll breakfast and rest before continuing to the town of Huanca Calle area where we'll camp

2nd day: Huanca Calle - Vilcabamba

We begin our trek with visits to the archaeological groups; Ñusta Hispaña and Rosaspata. We'll notice a great diversity in the ecological zones and pass through the small typical villages of the area. After contacting our muleteers, the expedition continues to the town of Vilcabamba.

3rd day: Vilcabamba - Cedrocasa

Today begins with a climb to Coipaqasa pass 3,696mt-12,122ft, then descend to Cedrocasa. Here we'll be able to see the village's daily life and the landscape of the Peruvian Amazon.

4th & 5th days: Cedrocasa - Concevidayoc

The walk is continued on an uneven road parallel to the river Concevidayoc and other creeks. You'll see abundant vegetation and typical houses of the place area.

6th day: Concevidayoc - Espiritu Pampa - Chihuanquiri

This day this dedicated to arriving to our objective, the archaeological group of Espiritu Pampa.

7th day: Chihuanquiri - Kiteni - Quillabamba

Transport in truck going to the city of Quillabamba. We'll tour the city and spend the night at an inn.

8th day: Quillabamba - Cuzco

Free morning. In the afternoon we leave for Cuzco, arriving the next day. This program has the level of an adventure expedition and is flexible in campsites according to the physical condition of the group.

ATRACTIVOS NATURALES (PAISAJES): Algunos de los principales atractivos naturales del Perú son mostrados en la  Figura 8.

Incluye las Áreas Naturales Protegidas, cataratas especialmente bellas, cavernas, cañones, “bosques de piedras”, lagos, mesetas y playas. La base de datos geográfica digital que está en elaboración (SEANTEC 2007) incluirá tablas enlazadas con versiones actualizadas de los mapas de las Figuras 7 y 8, conteniendo datos para cada sitio como altitud, ubicación, medios de acceso, pueblo más cercano, y otros.


1st day: Cuzco - Chuallcay - Quillabamba

Bus transportation takes to the semi tropical La Convention region. Here we'll breakfast and rest before continuing to the town of Huanca Calle area where we'll camp

2nd day: Huanca Calle - Vilcabamba

We begin our trek with visits to the archaeological groups; Ñusta Hispaña and Rosaspata. We'll notice a great diversity in the ecological zones and pass through the small typical villages of the area. After contacting our muleteers, the expedition continues to the town of Vilcabamba.

3rd day: Vilcabamba - Cedrocasa

Today begins with a climb to Coipaqasa pass 3,696mt-12,122ft, then descend to Cedrocasa. Here we'll be able to see the village's daily life and the landscape of the Peruvian Amazon.

4th & 5th days: Cedrocasa - Concevidayoc

The walk is continued on an uneven road parallel to the river Concevidayoc and other creeks. You'll see abundant vegetation and typical houses of the place area.

6th day: Concevidayoc - Espiritu Pampa - Chihuanquiri

This day this dedicated to arriving to our objective, the archaeological group of Espiritu Pampa.

7th day: Chihuanquiri - Kiteni - Quillabamba

Transport in truck going to the city of Quillabamba. We'll tour the city and spend the night at an inn.

8th day: Quillabamba - Cuzco

Free morning. In the afternoon we leave for Cuzco, arriving the next day. This program has the level of an adventure expedition and is flexible in campsites according to the physical condition of the group.



Figura 7 muestra la ubicación de algunos de los principales lugares arqueológicos del Perú.  Dado que la zona de interés alrededor de la cuenca del río Ene no ha sido explorada para restos arqueológicas, hemos insertado un signo de interrogación en esta zona (ver sección sobre potencial arqueológico).     www.peruvia-gallery.com/geography/peru_geogra...



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Biólogo desde hace más de treinta años, desde la época en que aún los biólogos no eran empleados de los abogados ambientalistas. Actualmente preocupado ...alarmado en realidad, por el LESIVO TRATADO DE (DES)INTEGRACIÓN ENERGÉTICA CON BRASIL ... que a casi ning

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